Leisha Hailey
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Name: Leisha Hailey
Born/Geb: 11.07.1971
Location/Ort: Okinawa-Japan
Size/Grösse: 168
Eyecolor/Augenfarbe: Brown/Braun
Haircolor/Haarfarbe: Darkbrown/Dunkelbraun
Born/Geb: 11.07.1971
Location/Ort: Okinawa-Japan
Size/Grösse: 168
Eyecolor/Augenfarbe: Brown/Braun
Haircolor/Haarfarbe: Darkbrown/Dunkelbraun
Kurzbeschreibung Leisha Hailey
Hailey wuchs in Bellevue, einem Vorort von Omaha, Nebraska auf und besuchte dort die Bellevue West High School. Nach der Highschool studierte sie Schauspiel an der American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York City und schloss ihre Ausbildung 1991 ab.
ie startete ihre Karriere als Musikerin der Band The Murmurs und veröffentlichte mehrere Alben, parallel dazu spielte sie Nebenrollen in einigen Filmen.
An der New Yorker Schauspielschule lernte Hailey 1991 ihre Kollegin Heather Grody kennen und gründete mit ihr das Folk-Duo The Murmurs. Beide spielten Gitarre und sangen auf mehreren Gigs in Williamsburg, Brooklyn and East Village und veröffentlichten 1992 ihr Independent Album Who We Are. 1994 unterzeichneten sie einen Plattenvertrag bei MCA Records und zogen nach Los Angeles, Kalifornien.
Bis 1998 folgten drei weitere Alben, von denen Blender das bekannteste ist. Der Titel Squeezebox Days dieses Albums erschien auf dem Soundtrack des Films All Over Me, in dem Hailey 1997 in einer Nebenrolle auftauchte; zwei Mitglieder der ersten rein weiblichen US-Band The Go-Gos wirkten an Blender mit, und darüber hinaus wurden einige der Songs von k. d. Lang produziert. Im Jahr 2001 änderten Hailey und Grody den Bandnamen in Gush.Seit Januar 2008 ist Hailey zusammen mit Camila Grey in der Band Uh Huh Her. Ihre erste EP veröffentlichten sie am 27. Juli I see Red. Hailey spielt Bass, Gitarre, Keyboard und singt.
Ihre Schauspielerkarriere begann 1997, als Hailey in der Coming Out-Episode der US-amerikanischen Sitcom Ellen mit Ellen DeGeneres eine kleine Rolle bekam. Im selben Jahr erhielt sie die Nebenrolle des lesbischen Punk-Mädchens Lucy im Film All Over Me, der für den GLAAD Media Award nominiert wurde. Hailey drehte außerdem Werbesports für Yoplait und BMW und hatte Gastrollen in Serien wie CSI: Den Tätern auf der Spur, Boy meets world und Grey's Anatomy.In Deutschland wurde Hailey als bisexuelle Journalistin Alice Pieszecki in der US-Fernsehserie The L Word bekannt.
Uh Huh Her
Wait an other Day (2008)
Common Reaction (2008)
I See Red EP (2007)
Gush (2001)
The Murmurs
Blender (1998)
Pristine Smut (1997)
Murmurs (1994)
White Rabbit EP (1994)
Who We Are (1991)
The L Word (2004 - 2009)
The Snowflake Crusade (2002)
Size 'Em Up (2001)
Sleeping Beauties (1999)
Some Girl (1998)
All Over Me (1997)
Summary Leisha Hailey
is an American actress and musician most widely known for playing Alice Pieszecki in the Showtime Networks production The L Word. Hailey, who had "always wanted to be an actress"first came to the public's attention as a musician in the pop duo The Murmurs and has continued a music career as part of the band Uh Huh Her.
Hailey grew up in Bellevue, Nebraska and attended Bellevue West High School. At 17, she came out as a lesbian before moving to New York City to attend the American Academy of Dramatic Arts.
With her Academy classmate Heather Grody, she formed the pop duo The Murmurs in 1991. In the 1990s they released several albums and toured on the Lilith Fair. In 2001, Hailey and Grody changed their name to Gush. The band split when Hailey began working for The L Word. In 2005, Hailey founded Marfa Records.In July 2007, Uh Huh Her, an electropop duo consisting of Hailey and Camila Grey, released an EP entitled I See Red; over a year later they released their first album Common Reaction.Hailey also co-wrote the Shakira hit song "Don't Bother" for her 2007 hit album Oral Fixation Vol. 2.
Hailey's first major role was in the 1997 movie All Over Me, and right around this time she played a struggling musician on an episode of Boy Meets World. Since 2003 she has starred as Alice Pieszecki, a bisexual journalist, on The L Word.In September 2008, Showtime announced Hailey would star in a "pilot presentation spinoff" The Farmof The L Word, to be written and produced by Ilene Chaiken, creator and executive producer of The L Word It was announced in April 2009 that the show would not be picked up by Showtime. Hailey's award winning indie film La Cucina premiered on Showtime in December 2009, where she plays a straight pregnant newlywed.Hailey has appeared in several Yoplait yogurt commercials. In April 2008, Hailey was named spokesperson for Olivia Cruises, a travel company which sells cruises and resort vacations marketed towards lesbian customers,She also stars in the psychological thriller Fertile Ground.
In 2007, Hailey was named the sexiest woman in the AfterEllen Hot 100 list compiled by AfterEllen.com.She responded to topping the list with: "Wow, I don't even know what to say. I hope Angelina's not mad at me. I have to say this really makes up for the time I was on the Homecoming Court in high school with my boyfriend (yes I had one) and he won and I didn't. So thanks to everyone. I'll try and keep up my hotness.
Openly lesbian, Hailey dated k.d. lang for nearly five years, in a relationship that ended in 2001.As of 2006, she is dating retailer Nina Garduno, owner of Free City Supershop in Malibu, California.Hailey was a soccer player, stating "I was a soccer star… I was a goalscorer, but then I busted my knee out and my whole career ended.'" She has been incorrectly reported to be a supporter of Manchester United F.C., stating that "I don't know where that rumour started.
Hailey wuchs in Bellevue, einem Vorort von Omaha, Nebraska auf und besuchte dort die Bellevue West High School. Nach der Highschool studierte sie Schauspiel an der American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York City und schloss ihre Ausbildung 1991 ab.
ie startete ihre Karriere als Musikerin der Band The Murmurs und veröffentlichte mehrere Alben, parallel dazu spielte sie Nebenrollen in einigen Filmen.
An der New Yorker Schauspielschule lernte Hailey 1991 ihre Kollegin Heather Grody kennen und gründete mit ihr das Folk-Duo The Murmurs. Beide spielten Gitarre und sangen auf mehreren Gigs in Williamsburg, Brooklyn and East Village und veröffentlichten 1992 ihr Independent Album Who We Are. 1994 unterzeichneten sie einen Plattenvertrag bei MCA Records und zogen nach Los Angeles, Kalifornien.
Bis 1998 folgten drei weitere Alben, von denen Blender das bekannteste ist. Der Titel Squeezebox Days dieses Albums erschien auf dem Soundtrack des Films All Over Me, in dem Hailey 1997 in einer Nebenrolle auftauchte; zwei Mitglieder der ersten rein weiblichen US-Band The Go-Gos wirkten an Blender mit, und darüber hinaus wurden einige der Songs von k. d. Lang produziert. Im Jahr 2001 änderten Hailey und Grody den Bandnamen in Gush.Seit Januar 2008 ist Hailey zusammen mit Camila Grey in der Band Uh Huh Her. Ihre erste EP veröffentlichten sie am 27. Juli I see Red. Hailey spielt Bass, Gitarre, Keyboard und singt.
Ihre Schauspielerkarriere begann 1997, als Hailey in der Coming Out-Episode der US-amerikanischen Sitcom Ellen mit Ellen DeGeneres eine kleine Rolle bekam. Im selben Jahr erhielt sie die Nebenrolle des lesbischen Punk-Mädchens Lucy im Film All Over Me, der für den GLAAD Media Award nominiert wurde. Hailey drehte außerdem Werbesports für Yoplait und BMW und hatte Gastrollen in Serien wie CSI: Den Tätern auf der Spur, Boy meets world und Grey's Anatomy.In Deutschland wurde Hailey als bisexuelle Journalistin Alice Pieszecki in der US-Fernsehserie The L Word bekannt.
Uh Huh Her
Wait an other Day (2008)
Common Reaction (2008)
I See Red EP (2007)
Gush (2001)
The Murmurs
Blender (1998)
Pristine Smut (1997)
Murmurs (1994)
White Rabbit EP (1994)
Who We Are (1991)
The L Word (2004 - 2009)
The Snowflake Crusade (2002)
Size 'Em Up (2001)
Sleeping Beauties (1999)
Some Girl (1998)
All Over Me (1997)
Summary Leisha Hailey
is an American actress and musician most widely known for playing Alice Pieszecki in the Showtime Networks production The L Word. Hailey, who had "always wanted to be an actress"first came to the public's attention as a musician in the pop duo The Murmurs and has continued a music career as part of the band Uh Huh Her.
Hailey grew up in Bellevue, Nebraska and attended Bellevue West High School. At 17, she came out as a lesbian before moving to New York City to attend the American Academy of Dramatic Arts.
With her Academy classmate Heather Grody, she formed the pop duo The Murmurs in 1991. In the 1990s they released several albums and toured on the Lilith Fair. In 2001, Hailey and Grody changed their name to Gush. The band split when Hailey began working for The L Word. In 2005, Hailey founded Marfa Records.In July 2007, Uh Huh Her, an electropop duo consisting of Hailey and Camila Grey, released an EP entitled I See Red; over a year later they released their first album Common Reaction.Hailey also co-wrote the Shakira hit song "Don't Bother" for her 2007 hit album Oral Fixation Vol. 2.
Hailey's first major role was in the 1997 movie All Over Me, and right around this time she played a struggling musician on an episode of Boy Meets World. Since 2003 she has starred as Alice Pieszecki, a bisexual journalist, on The L Word.In September 2008, Showtime announced Hailey would star in a "pilot presentation spinoff" The Farmof The L Word, to be written and produced by Ilene Chaiken, creator and executive producer of The L Word It was announced in April 2009 that the show would not be picked up by Showtime. Hailey's award winning indie film La Cucina premiered on Showtime in December 2009, where she plays a straight pregnant newlywed.Hailey has appeared in several Yoplait yogurt commercials. In April 2008, Hailey was named spokesperson for Olivia Cruises, a travel company which sells cruises and resort vacations marketed towards lesbian customers,She also stars in the psychological thriller Fertile Ground.
In 2007, Hailey was named the sexiest woman in the AfterEllen Hot 100 list compiled by AfterEllen.com.She responded to topping the list with: "Wow, I don't even know what to say. I hope Angelina's not mad at me. I have to say this really makes up for the time I was on the Homecoming Court in high school with my boyfriend (yes I had one) and he won and I didn't. So thanks to everyone. I'll try and keep up my hotness.
Openly lesbian, Hailey dated k.d. lang for nearly five years, in a relationship that ended in 2001.As of 2006, she is dating retailer Nina Garduno, owner of Free City Supershop in Malibu, California.Hailey was a soccer player, stating "I was a soccer star… I was a goalscorer, but then I busted my knee out and my whole career ended.'" She has been incorrectly reported to be a supporter of Manchester United F.C., stating that "I don't know where that rumour started.
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